Here you find a list of all events we have hosted as part of natESM. This also includes the two workshops and digital briefings the community has organized before the start of the project in November 2021. These events were crucial for the project application and the identification of our first steps on our way to a German ESM system.
- Workshop 1 (09/18)
- Workshop 2 (09/19)
- Briefing 1 (03/21)
- Briefing 2 (06/21)
- Briefing 3 (11/21)
- Workshop 3.1 (02/22)
- Technical Training 1 (10/22)
- Community Workshop 3.2 (03/23)
- Focus Workshop 3.3 (10/23)
- Technical Training 2.1 (11/23)
- Community Workshop 4 (02/24)
- Technical Training 2.2 (07/24)
- Technical Training 2.3 (07/24)
- Technical Training 3 (11/24) - 5 and 6 November@JSC, Jülich.
- Community Workshop 5 (02/25) - 18 and 19 February @Hotel Aquino, Berlin
Under events you will find events offered by the entire ESM community. You are also welcome to notify us about an event that you organize yourself, and we will publish it there. If you need individual help or support, click here.