The Community Land Model (CLM) is the land component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and is used in several global and regional modeling systems. It is a collaborative project between scientists in the Terrestrial Sciences Section (TSS) and the Climate and Global Dynamics Division (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the CESM Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups. Other principal working groups that contribute to the CLM are the Chemistry-Climate, Paleoclimate, Climate Change, and Land Ice Working Groups.

eCLM is based from Community Land Model 5.0 (CLM5.0). It has the same modelling capabilities as CLM5 but with a more simplified infrastructure for build and namelist generation. The build system is handled entirely by CMake and namelists are generated through a small set of Python scripts. Only Fortran source codes necessary for a functional land model simulation were imported from CLM5.

Unlike CLM5, there are no built-in batch scripts in eCLM. It is up to system maintainers or users to craft their own workflows by combining the basic tools in this repo plus the native tools in their respective platforms.

The software is open-source (see license).

More information, documentation, publications and quickstart here

If you want to get started, the software is available on GitHub. The latest documentation is filed here, which includes also a Quickstart.